Sunday, 17 November 2019


EXE on Technet can also be used. WMI is a comprehensive and versatile system for monitoring nearly all aspects of a Windows computer. This is by design, because the correct repair procedure depends on the context, the usage, and the list of applications installed on the computer. This will probably fix many problems concerning performance data and is much less intrusive than almost every other suggested method. This tool will repair WMI on the system. However, as it is very complex and based on a complex communications protocol DCOM it tends to be more error-prone than everyone would like it to be. wmidiag

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Apparently performance counters can be disabled via the Windows registry.

The Repair List for WMI problems

To download this tool, please click here. See No Perf Counters for details.


May 12, at Some of you may have been aware that the previous version used to also show a lot of errors and that majority of them were erroneous or false positives simply due to wmi class name changes between OS versions.

As pointed out in this technet article wmidlag, you can reload the performance counters if you run the following command in a administrator-run command line:.

The Repair List for WMI problems

Jeff here from the Windows Performance Team once again. See this articles too: On older Windows systems up to you have to clear earlier resnyc attempts on newer systems this will not work:. The re-enable performance counters option Apparently performance counters can be disabled via the Windows registry.

If you find one or more entries set to "1", set them to "0". As WMI is primarily a Windows function set, the problems described here should be solved by Microsoft - however, we know how frustrating a search for solutions for WMI problems can be so we offer you these suggestions here.

WMIDiag 2.2 is here!

I am happy to announce. WMI is a comprehensive and versatile system for monitoring nearly all aspects of a Windows computer.


This tool will repair WMI on the system. However, as it is very complex and based on a complex communications protocol DCOM it tends to be more error-prone than everyone would like it to be.

After you download WMIDiag. Is the tool supported? See Repair WMI article on my site. When you run the new version it should look a lot cleaner and what errors you do see should be accurate and deserving of attention. EXE on Technet can also be used. This will probably fix many problems concerning performance data and is much less intrusive than almost every other suggested method.

Working with the registry is for advanced users only. This is by design, because the correct repair procedure depends on the context, the usage, and the list of applications installed on the computer.


If you double-click WMIDiag. That has been all cleaned up and all errors have been corrected.

Here is what you can do if you keep getting errors that indicate problems with the WMI system itself. Even though the WMI Diagnosis Tool diagnoses the situation and provides procedures to fix problems, wmieiag no time does the tool automatically fix a problem.

The winmgmt console program offers another way of getting corrupted performance counters back on track. I hope this new tool will help you identifying potential WMI issues in your environment. Hello AskPerf blog readers!

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